W101 Helephant Ears (2025)

1. Wizard101 Ultra Seeds

  • So far I've had Ultra Helephant Ears, Ultra King Parsley, Ultra Snap Dragon, Ultra Trumpet Vine (which dropped from a Silver Trumpet Vine; wiki doesn't have ...

  • Posts about Wizard101 Ultra Seeds written by yogaleigh

Wizard101 Ultra Seeds

2. Best Plants for PvP (Wizard101) - Final Bastion

  • Jan 25, 2014 · 1. Evil Magma Peas · 2. Couch Potatoes · 3. Deadly Helephant Ears · 4. Sword Fern · 5. Prickly Bear Cactus · 6. Fickle Pickles and Sour Fickle ...

  • Check out our guide to the Best Plants for PvP in Wizard101 for boosting your PvP set up! Gardening is a great way to get Mega Snacks, TCs and more.

Best Plants for PvP (Wizard101) - Final Bastion

3. Wizard101 King Parsley

Wizard101 King Parsley

4. Ultimate Wizard101 Beginner Guide - Final Bastion

  • Apr 21, 2021 · Other W101 Guides ... I wouldn't put too much effort in obtaining Deadly Helephant Ears, but would use all of seeds you receive on your journey.

  • Have you ever wondered how to build a great Wizard101 account from scratch? Check this ultimate beginner guide to learn all the tricks you need to know.

Ultimate Wizard101 Beginner Guide - Final Bastion

5. Wizard101 Spiral Cup Gauntlet Complete Bundle Overview and ...

  • Jul 7, 2014 · Are seeds of Deadly Helephant Ears dropped in this gauntlet or not? If so what is the drop rate like? Swordroll • 9 years ago. That is an ...

  • A complete look at Wizard101's Spiral Cup Gauntlet Bundle, including the new gear, mount, and dungeon, as well as its drops.

Wizard101 Spiral Cup Gauntlet Complete Bundle Overview and ...

6. Helephant (Spell) - Wizard 101 Wiki - Fandom

  • School: Pip Cost: 6 Accuracy: 75% Type: Description: Deal 625 - 705 to target. Received From: Dalia Falmea Requirements: Required Character Level: 42 ...

  • School: Pip Cost: 6 Accuracy: 75% Type: Description: Deal 625 - 705 to target. Received From: Dalia Falmea Requirements: Required Character Level: 42 Spells: Fire Cat Fire Elf Glacial Shield Sunbird Fire Trap Meteor Strike Wyldfire Phoenix Prerequisite for: Spells: None Can be purchased with Training Points*: Yes *Training Points are only required if you do not belong to the School of the spell. If you belong to the School, the spell is FREE. For Documentation on how to edit this page see Templa

Helephant (Spell) - Wizard 101 Wiki - Fandom

7. Vendors | Bloomsburg Fair

  • ... W:101 E Ave E:43, French Fries. Snyder Co Concession's, Larry, Snyder, 5th ... Ears, Funnel Cakes. Penn Valley Shows, Kerry, Benner, B Ave W:28 B1 Ave W:102 E ...

  • Vendors

8. StarsoftheSpiral.com Blog: All About Wizard101 | Page 9 - WordPress.com

  • Oct 8, 2015 · The only difference between the two groups are their ears. True Seals do not have ear flaps while Eared Seals do. Southern Elephant Seal is ...

  • StarsoftheSpiral.com Blog: All About Wizard101

StarsoftheSpiral.com Blog: All About Wizard101 | Page 9 - WordPress.com

9. Darwin, C. R. 1872. The expression of the emotions in man and animals ...

  • Nov 20, 2023 · ... ears as a preparation for fighting, and as an expression of anger ... elephant is known sometimes to weep. Sir E. Tennent, in ...

10. Helephant Treasure Card | Wizard 101 Wiki | Fandom

  • Used in Recipes for the Following: Possible Variations: For Documentation on how to edit this page see Template:TreasureCardInfobox/doc.

  • Used in Recipes for the Following: Possible Variations: For Documentation on how to edit this page see Template:TreasureCardInfobox/doc. Hints, Guides and Discussions should be placed in the Discussion tab.

Helephant Treasure Card | Wizard 101 Wiki | Fandom
W101 Helephant Ears (2025)


Where to get deadly helephant ears in wizard101? ›

Obtainable from Fishing Chests in: Darkmoor Manor.

What level is the Tower of Helephant in wizard101? ›

Back to the basics… the Tower of the Helephant can be found in Wysteria, a level 25 side world. However, the dungeon is aimed to provide a challenge to level 60, aka “Legendary” wizards.

How hard is the Tower of the Helephant? ›

Re: Tower of Helephant difficulty

Tower of Helephant is really easy, depending on.... 1) Your team type - schools is really important for the last boss, do not want all storms type - unless they have secondary schools or can cast insane bolt. 2) Your card setup, do not want to have all random cards in play.

Who is the final boss in the Tower of the Helephant? ›

Lyon Lorestriker is the final Boss of Tower of the Helephant, who has stolen the mystical Heart of the Helephant and imprisoned within it the soul of Kogasha, who is enthralled to serve as Lyon's guardian. Defeating Lyon Lorestriker grants the "Liberator of the Helephant" Badge.

What is the max level of wizard tower? ›

Added the level 13 Wizard Tower. Reduced upgrade times of levels 3-10 Wizard Tower (except for level 9).

Where can I get rank 7 pest spell in wizard101? ›

Re: rank 7 pest spell

Barley in Khrysalis has the highest level gardening spells like Ant Lion (which kills any level pests). In order to access the spells you have to complete a series of side quests that list completion of the Eclipse Towers as a prerequisite. You also have to be at least level 15 in gardening.

How do you get the death mastery amulet in wizard101? ›

These mastery amulets don't have any stat bonuses or jewel sockets, but they don't have a level limit either meaning they can be used on any level wizard. You can get one of these by purchasing it from the crowns shop for 9,950 crowns.

How do you unlock beast forms in wizard101? ›

Also, like the Deckathalon, your Wizard level, stats, and items don't affect this game mode, so everyone in the Spiral level 10 and up can be your opponents or allies! To unlock Beast Forms, Gold Beastmoon Idols are needed. Only one Gold Beastmoon Idol is required per Beast Form and is permanent for that character.

How do you get armor piercings in wizard101? ›

Armor Piercing can be gained through gear, pet talents, and spells. Armor Piercing on spells can exist as enchantments from Sun school cards, beneficial effects from auras, or inherent Armor Piercing on a spell card.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

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Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.